Trainee feature

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Jon Rogan
Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Oct 10, 2018 9:39 am

Trainee feature

Post by Jon Rogan »

Trainee not to be confused with Training.

It can be quite a task to train new staff on the various ways the retailer wants their customer to be handled.

As an example in a takeaway you want your staff to ask if they want Salt & Vinegar. The question is always asked by seasoned staff but new staff (Trainee) keep forgetting. This can be overcome by assigning operators as TRAINEE

The first thing would be to set the operators up as TRAINEE, in the example we chose GRACE

traineeoperator.png (184.93 KiB) Viewed 201792 times

Secondly choose the items to have messages for TRAINEE operators. Again in this example we chose Chips and for them to be reminded to ask about salt and vinegar ONLY FOR THE TRAINEE OPERATORS

traineeoperator2.png (124.42 KiB) Viewed 201792 times

In sales mode a TRAINEE is highlighted in a differing colour, Orange.

traineeoperator3.png (87.65 KiB) Viewed 201792 times

When Grace now sells the respective item it will only be her that would see this message

traineeopertor4.png (131.16 KiB) Viewed 201792 times

We have seen this used for TRAINEE staff but also for seasoned staff that may have fallen in to bad habits and stopped asking the necessary questions.
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